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Inquiry Model Lifecycle

An inquiry wraps a single interaction with your customer through a single use case.


Inquiry statuses allow you to track where individuals are in the process, and status changes trigger your configured webhooks.


Inquiries change statuses when:

  1. Your customer proceeds through their inquiry: starting a verification or completing the flow.
  2. Your organization members approve, decline, or mark the inquiry for review.
  3. The inquiry expires.
StatusEvent NameDescription
createdinquiry.createdInitial status.
pendinginquiry.startedYour customer submits a document or begins a verification.
completed / failedinquiry.completed / inquiry.failedYour customer moves to the completion or failure screen of the inquiry.
expiredinquiry.expiredBy default, inquiries in the pending state expire after 24 hours.
needs_review / approved / declinedinquiry.marked-for-review / inquiry.approved / inquiry.declinedPossible when your team member marks decisions the inquiry in dashboard; your system calls the API; a workflow action runs.