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Serpro Database Verifications

A Serpro Database Verification answers the question "Does the Brazil Serpro databases corroborate provided user data?".

Serpro Database Verification Checks

Verification Check SlugCheck NameCheck TypeDescription
database_serpro_birthdate_comparisonBirthdate ComparisonFraudDetect if the birthdate matches the Serpro database.
database_serpro_cpf_comparisonCPF ComparisonFraudDetect if the CPF matches the Serpro database.
database_serpro_face_comparisonFace ComparisonFraudDetect if the face matches the Serpro database.
database_serpro_name_comparisonName comparisonFraudDetect if the name matches the Serpro database.
database_serpro_service_available_detectionService Available DetectionUser action requiredDetect if Serpro is unavailable.