Address Lookup
- addresseeoptional
- The name of an individual at this location
- address-street-1required
- Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name)
- address-street-2optional
- Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building)
- address-cityrequired
- Address city
- address-subdivisionrequired
- Address province or state
- address-postal-coderequired
- Zip or postal code
- address-country-coderequired
- Two letter country code (ISO 3166)
Example Request Body
"data": {
"attributes": {
"report-template-id": "rptp_addresslookuptemplate",
"address-street-1": "123 Fake Street",
"address-street-2": "#123",
"address-city": "Faketown",
"address-subdivision": "California",
"address-postal-code": "94107",
"address-country-code": "US"
Adverse Media
- name-firstrequired
- The first name of the individual
- name-lastrequired
- The last name of the individual
- birthdateoptional
- The birthdate of the individual, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
Example Request Body
"data": {
"attributes": {
"report-template-id": "rptp_adversemediatemplate",
"name-first": "Sherlock",
"name-last": "Holmes",
"birthdate": "1854-01-06"
Business Adverse Media
- termrequired
- The business name to search for
Example Request Body
"data": {
"attributes": {
"report-template-id": "rptp_businessadversemediattemplate",
"term": "Company Name"
Business Watchlist
- termrequired
- The business name to search for
- address-country-codeoptional
- Two letter country code (ISO 3166)
Example Request Body
"data": {
"attributes": {
"report-template-id": "rptp_businesswatchlisttemplate",
"term": "Company Name"
Business Lookup
- business-namerequired
- The business name to search for
- address-street-1optional
- Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name)
- address-street-2optional
- Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building)
- address-cityrequired
- Address city
- address-subdivisionrequired
- Address province or state
- address-postal-codeoptional
- Zip or postal code
- associated-people[n].name-firstoptional
- The first name of an officer or agent associated with the business
- associated-people[n].name-lastoptional
- The last name of an officer or agent associated with the business
Example Request Body
"data": {
"attributes": {
"report-template-id": "rptp_businesslookuptemplate",
"query": {
"business-name": "Test Business",
"address-street-1": "123 Fake Street",
"address-street-2": "#123",
"address-city": "Faketown",
"address-subdivision": "CA",
"address-postal-code": "94103",
"associated-people": [{
"name-first": "Sherlock",
"name-last": "Holmes"
Email Risk
- email-addressrequired
- The email address to search for
Example Request Body
"data": {
"attributes": {
"report-template-id": "rptp_emailaddresstemplate",
"email-address": ""
FINRA Broker Check
- broker-typerequired
- Broker type. Possible values: "individual" or "firm"
- crd-numberoptional
- A unique Central Registration Depository (CRD) number given to all licensed brokers and brokerage firms
- name-fulloptional
- Name of the broker; only used when broker type is "individual"
- firm-nameoptional
- Name of the broker; only used when broker type is "firm"
- address-cityoptional
- Address city
- address-subdivisionoptional
- Address province or state
Example Request Body
"data": {
"attributes": {
"report-template-id": "rptp_finrabrokerchecktemplate",
"broker-type": "firm",
"crd-number": "123456789",
"firm-name": "Charles Schwab",
"address-city": "Faketown",
"address-subdivision": "CA"
Politically Exposed Person
"data": {
"attributes": {
"report-template-id": "rptp_peptemplate",
"query": {
"term":"Sherlock Holmes",
Phone Risk
- phone-numberrequired
- The phone number to search for
Example Request Body
"data": {
"attributes": {
"report-template-id": "rptp_phonenumbertemplate",
"phone-number": "+14151231234"
SEC Action Lookup
- name-firstoptional
- The first name of the individual
- name-lastoptional
- The last name of the individual
- birthdateoptional
- The birthdate of the individual, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
Example Request Body
"data": {
"attributes": {
"report-template-id": "rptp_secactionlookuptemplate",
"name-first": "Sherlock",
"name-last": "Holmes",
"birthdate": "1854-01-06"
Social Media Lookup
- name-firstrequired
- The first name of the individual; phone-number or email-address or both first-name and last-name required
- name-lastrequired
- The last name of the individual; phone-number or email-address or both first-name and last-name required
- birthdateoptional
- The birthdate of the individual, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
- phone-numberrequired
- The phone number of the individual; phone-number or email-address or both first-name and last-name required
- email-addressrequired
- The email address of the individual; phone-number or email-address or both first-name and last-name required
- address-street-1optional
- Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name)
- address-street-2optional
- Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building)
- address-cityoptional
- Address city
- address-subdivisionoptional
- Address province or state
- address-postal-codeoptional
- Zip or postal code
- address-country-codeoptional
- Two letter country code (ISO 3166)
Example Request Body
"data": {
"attributes": {
"report-template-id": "rptp_socialmediatemplate",
"name-first": "Sherlock",
"name-last": "Holmes",
"birthdate": "1854-01-06",
"email-address": ""
- name-firstrequired
- The first name of the individual
- name-lastrequired
- The last name of the individual
- birthdateoptional
- The birthdate of the individual, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
Example Request Body
"data": {
"attributes": {
"report-template-id": "rptp_personwatchlisttemplate",
"name-first": "Sherlock",
"name-last": "Holmes",
"birthdate": "1854-01-06"