Downloading Files

Files belonging to your organization can be downloaded from

These files can include photos associated with a verification, such as driver license or passport photos, or key photos extracted from the selfie video.

Files connected to a resource will be available to download via their respective "retrieve" endpoint. For example, files associated with an Inquiry will be returned by the "Retrieve an Inquiry" API endpoint. File URLs will be available within the included document or selfie objects within the Inquiry API response.

In API responses, file URLs appear in the form[filename].[extension]?access_token=[token]. Each file URL contains a signed access token, and thus can load the file without an additional Persona API key in the request header.

By default, each URL remains valid for 6 hours after the API request was made. Afterwards, the access token expires, and a new API request must be made to obtain new file URLs. The expiration timeout is configurable per API key or Webhook, up to 1 day.

New behavior in v2023-01-05

The way file URLs are serialized in all API responses has changed as of API version v2023-01-05. This change affects how you use file URLs returned from an API response to download files, and alters the level of access control embedded in the file URLs.

Old behavior

File URLs were of the form[token]/[filename].[extension], and required a Persona API key in the request header to access them.

New behavior

File URLs are of the form[filename].[extension]?access_token=[token]. A Persona API key is not needed.

What remains the same

The Download a File API remains unchanged for previous API versions. (Note that this link references the v2022-09-01 documentation.)

Usage patterns to migrate

If you save URLs returned from API responses for use beyond 6 hours into the future, going forward, you will need to account for URLs expiring after 6 hours.