Getting Started
Getting users to your Hosted Flow is as simple as giving them your hosted flow link, which can be found in the Integration Section of your Dashboard.
Directing users to the flow
To start the hosted flow, link a user to https://<your subdomain>
on Persona with the appropriate query string parameters. To test the hosted flow in your sandbox, pass the environment-id
of your Sandbox environment as a query string parameter.
An example link is
Swap the template ID with yours to create your hosted flow link.
To include parameters in your hosted flow link, add them to the end of the URL after a trailing ?
Example URL for Template:<your template ID starting with itmpl_>
Example URL for Template with optional fields:<your template ID starting with itmpl_>&environment-id=<your environment ID starting with env_>&reference-id=user_id1&language=ja&fields[name-first]=Jane
Example URL for resuming an existing inquiry:<your inquiry ID starting with inq_>&session-token=123456&redirect-uri=
Updated 6 months ago