Getting Started
The latest version of the SDK is:
Embed Code Snippet
Creating inquiries through the Embedded integration can be easily achieved with a short code snippet. You'll only need your inquiry template ID which can be found in the Integration section of your Dashboard.
import Persona from 'persona';
const client = new Persona.Client({
templateId: "<your template ID starting with itmpl_>",
referenceId: "<your reference ID for this user>",
environmentId: "<your environment ID starting with env_>",
onReady: () =>,
onComplete: ({ inquiryId, status, fields }) => {
// Inquiry completed. Optionally tell your server about it.
console.log(`Sending finished inquiry ${inquiryId} to backend`);
onCancel: ({ inquiryId, sessionToken }) => console.log('onCancel'),
onError: (error) => console.log(error),
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Replace "X.Y.Z" with the Inquiry SDK version you want to use. -->
It's best practice to provide an integrity attribute.
Learn more here:
Or copy the code snippet from the Persona dashboard, which provides the hash for you.
<script src="" integrity="your-integrity-hash" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!-- charset and viewport meta tags are required! -->
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<!-- Initialize the Persona client in whichever way is appropriate for your application. -->
const client = new Persona.Client({
templateId: "<your template ID starting with itmpl_>",
referenceId: "<your reference ID for this user>",
environmentId: "<your environment ID starting with env_>",
onReady: () =>,
onCancel: ({ inquiryId, sessionToken }) => console.log('onCancel'),
onError: (error) => console.log(error),
onEvent: (name, metadata) => {
if (name === 'start') {
// Collect and save the inquiry ID for future use
inquiryId = metadata["inquiryId"]
onComplete: ({ inquiryId, status, fields }) => {
// Inquiry completed. Optionally tell your server about it.
console.log(`Sending finished inquiry ${inquiryId} to backend`);
// Optionally, cleanup the client to avoid memory leaks.
// client.destroy();
To permit the Persona iframe to render on your domain, see Security > Embedding the Persona iframe.
You can also use optional callbacks for advanced Event Handling.
const client = new Persona.Client({
templateId: "<your template ID starting with itmpl_>",
environmentId: "<your environment ID starting with env_>",
onReady: () =>,
onEvent: (name, meta) => {
switch (name) {
case 'start':
console.log(`Received event: start with inquiry ID ${meta.inquiryId}`);
console.log(`Received event: ${name} with meta: ${JSON.stringify(meta)}`);
Use the client's Methods to show, hide, or cleanup the embedded flow widget.
const client = new Persona.Client({
templateId: "<your template ID starting with itmpl_>",
environmentId: "<your environment ID starting with env_>",
onComplete: ({ inquiryId, status, fields }) => {
// Inquiry completed. Optionally tell your server about it.
console.log(`Sending finished inquiry ${inquiryId} to backend`);
function openClient() {; }
function cancelClient() { client.cancel(true); }
Updated 10 months ago
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