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Redirecting On Complete or Cancel


WebView is not recommended

We recommend using our native mobile SDKs (Android, iOS) instead of WebView. WebView integrations experience lower conversion due to reduced performance. Support for WebView integration is only available for Enterprise customers.

For more information, see Native mobile integration vs. WebView.

When an inquiry has finished (status is either completed or failed) or has been canceled, the WebView will either redirect to the URI specified in redirect-uri, or to https://personacallback if nothing was specified. At this point, you can read the GET parameters in the response URL.

The parameter value does not need to be a valid browser URL; arbitrary URIs such as mobile app actions or intents are accepted.

Inquiry finished

The end user will be redirected with the following parameters when the end user presses the complete button in the Success or Failure screens in the Inquiry flow.

persona-inquiry-idInquiry ID of the flow.
inquiry-idNullableDeprecated. Inquiry ID of the flow. Will only be sent on success.
reference-idNullableIf you set a reference ID on the request, it will be on the response.
statusStatus of the completed inquiry (e.g. 'completed', 'failed').
fieldsA map of field types and values. See Fields documentation.

Inquiry canceled

The end user will be redirected with the following parameters when the end user cancels the Inquiry flow with the 'x' button in the upper right corner.

persona-inquiry-idInquiry ID of the flow.